Sarah Kaizar

Sarah Kaizar is an illustrator and designer based in Philadelphia.


Available Work


Current + Upcoming Exhibitions

October 19, 2024 — March 31, 2025
Burke Museum of Natural History
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington

May 9 — September 14, 2025The James Museum
St. Petersburg, Florida

This work began in September 2008 in response to the financial crisis. The ground layer of these pieces features the ticker tape from The Wall Street Journal during the first week of the financial crash. This is the week that, among other financial headlines, Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy protection; Washington Mutual put itself up for sale; Bank of America agreed to purchase Merrill Lynch; AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sought government support; and Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley were converted into bank holding companies.

One piece depicts bigeye trevally, a species that schools over a wide geographic range. This species is distributed throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans, with its reach extending to the coastlines of Africa, India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Japan, Australia, America’s West Coast, Ecuador, the Galápagos Islands and Hawaii. The second piece depicts greyhounds racing over the same ticker tape ground.

Bigeye Trevally in One Day, (progress + detail shots), 2009.  Photo-transfer of ticker tape from the Wall Street Journal during the first week of the 2008 crash, acrylic, resin, pen and ink. 4 feet x 8 feet.

Greyhound sketch, 2010. Pen and ink.

Greyhound race, 2011. Photo-transfer of ticker tape from the Wall Street Journal during the first week of the 2008 crash, acrylic, resin, pen and ink. 4 feet x 8 feet.