Sarah Kaizar
Sarah Kaizar is an illustrator and designer based in Philadelphia.
Available Work
Current + Upcoming Exhibitions
October 19, 2024 — March 31, 2025Burke Museum of Natural History
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
May 9 — September 14, 2025The James Museum
St. Petersburg, Florida
Rare and Endangered Species CatalogIllustration and Exhibition Series | 2011-2013
A long-term project illustrating every species in North America currently identified as endangered by the US Fish & Wildlife Service. To ensure the accuracy of these representations, I consult with biologists, research assistants, professors, and collection managers from universities and organizations including the University of Tennessee, Yale University, the Peabody Museum of Natural History, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. This work has been shown in galleries and museums in the Philadelphia area including the Woodmere Art Museum, the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education, Philadelphia City Hall, 3rd Street Gallery, and more.
A selection of drawings from this series are shown below.
Rare and Endangered Clams and Mussels
These drawings of clams and mussesls were created in 2013. Eight of these species were delcared extinct by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in 2023.
Top to bottom, left to right — 1. Clubshell, Pleurobema clava. IL, IN, KY, MI, NY, OH, PA, TN, WV 2. Fat Pocketbook, Potamilus capax. AR, IL, IN, KY, LA, MS, MO 3. Oval Pigtoe, Pleurobema pyriforme. AL, FL, GA 4. Higgins Eye Pearlymussel, Lampsilis higginsii. IL, IA, MN, MO, SD, WI 5. Scaleshell Mussel, Leptodea leptodon. AR, IL, MO, NE, OK, SD 6. Sheepnose Mussel, Plethobasus cyphyus. AL, IL, IN, IO, KY, MN, MS, MO, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV, WI 7. Carolina Heelsplitter, Lasmigona decorata. NC, SC 8. Ring Pink Mussel, Obovaria retusa. AL, KY, TN 9. Shinyrayed Pocketbook, Lampsilis subangulata. AL, FL, GA 10. Snuffbox Mussel, Epioblasma triquetra. AL, AR, IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, MI, MO, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV, WI 11. Black Clubshell, Pleurobema curtum. MI 12. Cumberlandian Combshell, Epioblasma brevidens. AL, KY, MI, TN, VA 13. Appalachian Elktoe, Alasmidonta raveneliana. NC, TN 14. Green Blossom Pearlymussel, Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum. TN, VA 15. Upland Combshell, Epioblasma metastriata. AL, TN 16. Alabama Lampmussel, Lampsilis virescens. AL, TN 17. Finerayed Pigtoe, Fusconaia cuneolus. AL, TN, VA 18. Turgid Blossom Pearlymussel, Epioblasma turgidula. AR, TN 19. White Catspaw Pearlymussel, Epioblasma obliquata perobliqua. IN, OH 20. Purple Bean, Villosa perpurpurea TN, VA 21. Georgia Pigtoe, Pleurobema hanleyianum. AL, GA, TN 22. White Wartyback Pearlymussel, Plethobasus cicatricosus. AL, TN 23. Southern Acornshell, Epioblasma othcaloogensis. AL, TN 24. Southern Clubshell, Pleurobema decisum. AL, GA, MI 25. Tubercled Blossom, Epioblasma torulosa torulosa. TN, WV 26. Fat Threeridge Mussel, Amblema neislerii. FL, GA 27. Cumberland Bean Pearlymussel, Villosa trabalis. AL, KY, NC, TN, VA 28. Ouachita Rock Pocketbook, Arkansia wheeleri. AR, OK 29. Rough Pigtoe, Pleurobema plenum. AL, IN, KY, TN, VA 30. Spectaclecase Mussel, Cumberlandia monodonta. AL, AR, IL, IA, KS, KY, MN, MO, TN, VA, WV, WI 31. Speckled Pocketbook, Lampsilis streckeri. AR 32. Orangefoot Pimpleback Pearlymussel, Plethobasus cooperianus. AL, IL, KY, TN 33. James Spinymussel, Pleurobema collina. NC, VA, WV 34. Northern Riffleshell, Epioblasma torulosa rangiana. IN, KY, MI, OH, PA, WV 35. Cumberland Pigtoe, Pleurobema gibberum. TN 36. Curtis Pearlymussel, Epioblasma florentina curtisii. AR, MO 37. Flat Pigtoe, Pleurobema marshalli. AL, MI 38. Alabama Pearlshell, Margaritifera marrianae. AL 39. Heavy Pigtoe, Pleurobema taitianum. AL 40. Yellow Blossom Pearlymussel, Epioblasma florentina florentina. AL, TN 41. birdwing pearlymussel Lemiox rimosus. AL, TN 42. Littlewing Pearlymussel, Pegias fabula. AL, KY, NC, TN, VA 43. Dromedary Pearlymussel, Dromus dromas. AL, TN, VA 44. Cracking Pearlymussel, Hemistena lata. AL, TN, VA 45. Cumberland Monkeyface Pearlymussel, Quadrula intermedia. AL, TN, VA 46. Pink Mucket Pearlymussel, Lampsilis abrupta. AL, AR, IL, KY, LA, MO, OH, TN, VA, WV 47. Appalachian Monkeyface Pearlymussel, Quadrula sparsa. TN, VA 48. Pale Lilliput Pearlymussel, Toxolasma cylindrellus. AL, TN 49. Gulf Moccasinshell, Medionidus pencillatus. AL, FL, GA 50. Oyster Mussel, Epioblasma capsaeformis. AL, KY, TN, VA 51. Triangular Kidneyshell, Ptychobranchus greenii. AL, GA, TN 52. Rayed Bean, Villosa fabalis. IN, MI, NY, OH, PA, WV 53. Southern Combshell, Epioblasma penita. AL, MI 54. Winged Mapleleaf, Quadrula fragosa. AR, MN, MO, OK, WI 55. Ochlockonee Moccasinshell, Medionidus simpsonianus. FL, GA 56. Coosa Moccasinshell, Medionidus parvulus. AL, GA, TN 57. Southern Pigtoe, Pleurobema georgianum. AL, GA, TN 58. Tan Riffleshell, Epioblasma florentina walkeri. KY, TN, VA 59. Altamaha Spinymussel, Elliptio spinosa. GA 60. Purple Catspaw Pearlymussel, Epioblasma obliquata obliquata. KY, OH 61. Dark Pigtoe, Pleurobema furvum. AL 62. Stirrupshell, Quadrula stapes. AL, MI 63. Dwarf Wedgemussel, Alasmidonta heterodon. CT, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, NC, PA, VT, VA 64. Rough Rabbitsfoot, Quadrula cylindrica strigllata. TN, VA 65. Fanshell, Cyprogenia stegaria. AL, IL, IN, KY, OH, TN, VA, WV 66. Choctaw Bean, Villosa choctawensis. AL, FL 67. Ovate Clubshell, Pleurobema perovatum. AL, MI, TN 68. Shiny Pigtoe, Fusconaia cor. AL, TN, VA 69. Round Ebonyshell, Fusconaia rotulata. AL, FL 70. Cumberland Elktoe, Alasmidonta atropurpurea. KY, TN 71. Tampico Pearlymussel, Cyrtonaias tampicoensis tecomatensis. TX 72. Fluted Kidneyshell, Ptychobranchus subtentum. KY, TN, VA 73. Slabside Pearlymussel, Pleuronaia dolabelloides. AL, KY, MI, TN, VA 74. Neosho Mucket, Lampsilis rafinesqueana. AR, KS, MO, OK 75. Tar River Spinymussel, Elliptio steinstansana. NC 76. Southern Kidneyshell, Ptychobranchus jonesi. AL, FL 77. Nicklin's Pearlymussel, Megalonaias nicklineana. TX
Rare and Endangered Fish
Big Bend Gambusia, Gambusia gaigei. TX
Boulder Darter, Etheostoma wapiti. AL TNBocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis. GA
Rare and Endangered Amphibians
Arroyo Toad, Anaxyrus californicus. CAWyoming Toad, Bufo baxteri. WYHouston Toad, Bufo houstonensis. TX
Blunt-Nosed Leopard Lizard, Gambelia silus. CASan Francisco Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia. CA
Rare and Endangered Mammals
Humpback Whale, Megaptera novaeangliae. AL, CA, GA, MI, WA
Woodland Caribou, Rangifer tarandus caribou. ID, WAWood Bison, Bison bison athabascae. AK
San Joaquin Kit Fox, Vulpes macrotis. CA
Rare and Endangered Birds
Wood Stork, Mycteria americana. AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC
Crested Honeycreeper, Palmeria dolei. HI 'Akeke'e, Loxops caeruleirostris. HIMasked Bobwhite Quail, Colinus virginianus ridgwayi. AZPiping Plover, Charadrius melodus. IL, IN, MI, MN, MS, OH, PA, WI Yellow-Shouldered Blackbird, Agelaius xanthomus. PR
2018 — Group ExhibitionThe Pennsylvania Landscape in Impressionism and Contemporary Art
Woodmere Art Museum,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2017 — Solo ExhibitionRally for the Rare
5x5 Gallery - Philadelphia Independents
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2016 — Solo ExhibitionEndangered
United By Blue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2014 — Group ExhibitionRoar
Silicon Fine Art Prints
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2014 — Solo ExhibitionClams & Mussels
United By Blue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania2013 — Solo ExhibitionIn Danger
Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2013 — Solo ExhibitionRare
3rd Street Gallery
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2013 — Group ExhibitionLibrary of Life: Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
Art Gallery in City Hall, City of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2013 — Solo ExhibitionWildlife Illustration
St Asaph Gallery
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2013 — Group ExhibitionPOST Annual Members Exhibition
3rd Street Gallery
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania